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Tired of feeling like you never have enough time?


If you feel like no matter how hard you try, you never seem to have enough writing time, then you’re not alone.

One thing we hear over and over from writers is that they want more time to:

  • read and write and revise
  • connect with other writers
  • daydream about new projects
  • do the million things writers are now expected to do

These days it seems it’s not enough to just write the book. Which, let’s face it, takes a looong time.

Now writers are told that, before they're even agented, they need to have a polished manuscript, a growing platform, and the time and know-how to take an active role in marketing and publicity.

Add to that a day job, a family, and the hundred other things that make life so busy these days…

Well, it’s no wonder you’re struggling to do it all.


There will never be a good time to write a book.


This is an awkward but undeniable fact. There will always be a hundred things jostling to take up space on your schedule. There will always be rejections and setbacks. Publishing will (most likely) always be a highly competitive industry with tight budgets and limited spots.

But if you're a writer then you know that it's pretty much impossible to stop writing.

So what’s a writer to do? Is it possible to write a book and grow an author career without becoming miserable, hyper-competitive, or burnt out?

Yes, absolutely!

It is absolutely possible to build a consistent and sustainable writing practice within a busy life and to pursue publication—if that’s what you want—without becoming overwhelmed, jaded, disillusioned, or downright miserable.

The only thing you’ve been missing is a strategy.

There are so many amazing resources available to learn how to become a great writer. How to create unforgettable characters or worlds. How to craft a beautiful sentence.

But there’s been very little information on how to actually make time to write, show up consistently, and maintain a sense of wellbeing amidst the inevitable rejections and other challenges.

That is, until now.

The reason you’ve been struggling is not because there’s anything wrong with you. It’s because up until now, nobody has ever thought to teach you how to build a consistent and sustainable writing practice.

While there will probably never come a day when you have all the time in the world to finish your book and grow your author career, it is absolutely possible to do so now—as long as you have the right strategy.

The Productivity Masterclass for Writers is exactly that. With easy-to-digest classes and ongoing support, you’ll learn how to gain more writing time, create a consistent writing practice, and eradicate the things that have been standing in your way.


This masterclass is designed to teach you how to gain more writing time and make it count.

It’s Time To Get Strategic

With easy-to-digest classes and ongoing support, you will finally have a strategy to get writing, finish you book, and enjoy yourself in the process.




Learn how to create a consistent and sustainable writing practice no matter how busy you are. Find out how to put that extra time to good use: no more procrastination or writer’s block. No more feeling like you don’t know where to start. No more feeling like you’re not good enough.

We'll teach you how to:

  • Find more time to write even if you have kids and a day job
  • Use your writing time more effectively
  • Gain clarity on what you want and how to achieve it
  • Avoid distraction and get focused
  • Know what it is and isn't worth spending time on (revising? social media? starting a newsletter??)
  • Feel energized and confident about your writing career
  • Develop an individualized plan that will guide you on your way

The old phrase "you've gotta take time to make time" is true. But it can be hard to know where to start (or even how to find the time to do it!).

The Productivity Masterclass for Writers is your one-stop-shop to get your writing life in order.

Introduction: This Masterclass Will Change Your Life (If You Let It!)

Meet: The Hero’s Journey Redefined. (This time, you’re the hero and you're going to slay those dragons to achieve your goal!)

Why You (Yes, Even You!) Can Do This

Learn practical strategies to get your inner game in order. Experience a fundamental shift in mindset.

To-Do List Detox: Cleanse Your Time, Make Way For What Matters

Learn practical strategies to find time to do what matters most to you. Learn about the counterintuitive ways in which your time gets sucked up, and how to change that.

Okay, But How?

Learn the practical (and life-changing) strategy that will allow you to actually do the things that matter to you (like writing the book, querying the agents, growing your author career).

Forget Self-Care, This Is What You Need

Set aside ideas about the hyper-commodified self care industry and reconnect with inexpensive and straightforward ways to care for yourself. Learn why it is crucial to tend to yourself and how to do so amidst the chaos of daily life.

Now What?: Your Personalized Plan

We will guide you through the process of creating an individualized plan that will help you stay on track as you go forward.


As soon as you register you will gain access to the Productivity Masterclass. You will work through the six modules above (which are made up of easy-to-digest pre-recorded videos) at your own pace.

We recommend taking about one week to complete the class, two weeks at most.

You will also immediately gain access to Shindig, Boola Bos's online community for writers. 

Shindig is your opportunity to ask questions, connect with your instructor and classmates and start to put the techniques you learn into practice.

It has been designed to help you keep up the momentum. Your instructor will host weekly exercises and Ask Me Anythings.

Shindig is also an excellent way to meet other writers and grow your community. We are social creatures (yes, even you, Little Ms. Introvert!) and it is powerful to not only learn that others are going through the same experiences as you but to support each other as well.

For full details on pricing, see below.

If you have any questions at all, just send us a message through our website's Contact page. We promise it is monitored by a human 😄 And we will get back to you asap.

We can’t wait to connect with you!

Hi there!

I'm a writer, just like you, as well as founder of Boola Bos. And I'll also be leading this masterclass 👏🏽

I founded Boola Bos because I was so fed up of seeing writers struggle so much without any support.

There's tons of amazing resources out there if you want to learn how to write but, until now, there's been very little info on how to actually find the time to do it.

Let's face it, being a writer is not for the faint of heart. Rejection, self-doubt, a seemingly ever-more-competitive publishing industry.

Not to mention the years of unpaid hours that go into writing a book.

But if you're like me, and I suspect you are, then you'll know that writers gotta write. I've heard people call it a curse, a compulsion... You may have tried to quit writing before and found it's impossible.

I figured if this was something I had to do then I was going to find a way to do it in a consistent and enjoyable way.

Along the way I found out that far from being a curse, writing is a gift that, if approached properly, helps you grow as a person, gives life meaning, and allows you to connect deeply with others.

The Productivity Masterclass for Writers is our first online course and I'm so excited to share it with you!

I've spent the last ten years trying to figure out how to live well and spend time meaningfully and now I’m sharing everything I’ve got with you!

Researchers across fields as varied as psychology, sociology, neurology, religion, philosophy, and beyond have found that the surest way to feel good is to get in touch with your truest self and use that to help others.

And that's why I've created the Productivity Masterclass for Writers.

My dream is to help you get rid of all the unnecessary and unhelpful stuff that's stopping you so you can write the book of your heart and feel good while you do it ☺️

Looking forward to connecting with you soon,

Bron 💜



Have you experienced any of the following?:

  • Writer's block
  • Procrastination
  • Feeling unable to consistently make time for your writing
  • Overwhelmed by all the different writing things (finish draft? pitch articles? start a newsletter? be on socials?)
  • Frustrated because you seem to squander what little writing time you do have
  • Feeling like you want to quit writing because it makes you miserable

If so, then the Productivity Masterclass for Writers is definitely for you.

We'll help you to get in touch with what matters most to you and show you how to carve out time for it alongside your kids and your day job and health issues and groceries and all the rest of it.


$332 CAD


  • Access to all Productivity Masterclass for Writers modules
  • Personizable Productivity Masterclass for Writers workbook
  • One year's free membership to Shindig, the Boola Bos online community


If you aren’t completely satisfied with the Productivity Masterclass for Writers, let us know within the first fourteen days and we'll give you a full refund. No questions asked.


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